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Arun Bose est le récipiendaire du Percy Stubbs, John Bolton King and Edward Garfitt Prize for Silviculture (The Silvicultural Prize) 2014!

Par : ICF | Publié le : 2014-12-16

Arun BoseEach year the Institute of Chartered Forester’s Council awards a prize to a paper from our journal Forestry which, in the Editors opinion, provides the best example of advancing our knowledge of silviculture. I am delighted to inform you that by order of Council the Percy Stubbs and John Bolton King and Edward Garfitt Prize for Silviculture (the Silvicultural Prize) for 2014 is awarded to you and your fellow authors Brian Harvey, Suzanne Brais, Marilou Beaudet and Alain Leduc for the following paper:

Constraints to partial cutting in the boreal forest of Canada in the context of natural disturbance-based management: a review

In the Editors opinion “this paper is a significant advance in knowledge at the international level.  It describes how a greater understanding of natural dynamics in the boreal forest has informed forest policy in Canada and how this has led to changes in silvicultural practice. The new approaches to silviculture, including variants of partial cutting, are increasingly being applied in the boreal forest to balance economic, ecological and social management objectives. The paper is an authoritative review of the factors that limit the application of these practices, highlights a number of operational challenges and proposes new research to address the gaps in understanding.”

The paper was published in Forestry, 87(1): 11-28

The prize will be announced at our annual conference and AGM to be held in Cardiff, Wales on the evening of 21st April 2015.

Congratulations !

Shireen Chambers FICFor
Executive Director

Institute of Chartered Foresters
59 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2JG