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First announcement: PhD course on Functioning of Boreal Forest Ecosystems June 3-9, 2007

Par : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Publié le : 2006-11-01

This course will provide a comprehensive coverage on topics relevant to the functioning of boreal forest ecosystems, including linkages between aboveground and belowground subsystems, nutrient cycling, ecosystem effects of herbivores, the role of major disturbances (notably fire), and current and historic aspects of human influences on boreal ecosystems. It will be run along similar lines to a course that we ran on this topic in June 2004.

Language: The course will be conducted in English

Location: The course is to be held in Arvidsjaur, approximately 300 km NW of Umeå, Sweden, which is in the heart of the northern boreal forest zone and also proximal to the Scandes mountain ranges near the Norwegian border.

Participants: This course is open to all PhD students who have an interest in boreal ecosystems. We will limit the course to 25 participants, and will select applicants on the basis of merit and relevance of their research if the number of applicants exceeds the number of positions available.

Course format: The course will consist of a mixture of lectures, student presentations, discussion groups, and field trips and field instruction. Students will be expected to be prepared in advance for participation in discussions.

Course credits (relevant for European participants only): 5 credits, 7.5 ECTS

Costings:: Students are responsible for covering their own transport to and from Umeå. All costs including food, travel and lodging for the actual duration of the course will covered by SLU.

Course organization: The course will be run by the Department of Forest Vegetation Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå, Sweden.

Course instructors: The course will be taught by 7 ecologists who each have been actively involved in research on various aspects of northern ecosystems. These instructors are: Professor Marie-Charlotte Nilsson (SLU, Umeå), Professor David Wardle (SLU, Umeå), Dr Greger Hörnberg (SLU, Umeå), Professor Richard Bardgett (University of Lancaster, UK), Professor Heikki Setälä (University of Helsinki, Finland), Professor Olle Zackrisson (SLU, Umeå), and Dr Michael Gundale (SLU, Umeå).

Expressions of interest: Please prepare a brief CV and a statement of 200 words or less outlining your PhD research topic and why you think the course would be beneficial to you. This information, and any enquiries, should be sent to Marie-Charlotte Nilsson by e-mail ( not later than December 22, 2006.