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Allison Pamela Yataco


Projet de recherche :

Forest and plantation herbivore biodiversity in pine

Allison Pamela Yataco, Sabina Noor, Miguel Montoro Girona, Timothy Work, Emma Despland. Limited Differences in Insect Herbivory on Young White Spruce Growing in Small Open Plantations and under Natural Canopies in Boreal Mixed Forests 2024. Insects 196
DOI : 10.3390/insects15030196    

Allison Pamela Yataco. Damage by insect herbivores on white spruce in plantation and natural understory regeneration 2023. Mémoire de maîtrise en biologie, Université Concordia. 43 p.

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 Sabina Noor, Allison Pamela Yataco, Urszula Deregowski, Emma Despland, Timothy Work, Miguel Montoro Girona. Ravageurs forestiers en Abitibi sous changements globaux 16e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Montréal (2023-05-08)