Je suis une biologiste marine originaire d’Italie. Je m’intéresse à tout ce qui concerne les effets des substances chimiques induites dans les écosystèmes. Je suis ici pour évaluer les méthodes de restauration écologique pour le lac Osisko.
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Formation académique
- 2019-2021 - Maîtrise en Biologie Marine, Université de Pise (UNIPI)
- 2015-2018 - Baccalauréat en sciences biologiques, Université du Piémont oriental (UPO)
Projet de recherche :
Looking for innovative solutions to restore biological communities on a degraded freshwater ecosystem: the Osisko Lake
The degradation of aquatic ecosystems has intensified around the world due to anthropogenic activities, such as mining. When humans settled the city of Rouyn-Noranda in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, they used Lake Osisko as a waste disposal site for mining and municipal activities. This led to a pronounced loss in environmental quality and the degradation of aquatic communities. Given the scale of the impact, innovative solutions are now needed to rehabilitate this ecosystem. This project aims to (i) reconstruct the past community composition of Lake Osisko over the last 150 years using the environmental DNA from sediment core archives, (ii) compare the level of trace elements contamination in Osisko Lake to five other lakes with different levels of exposure to conventional (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cu, As, Se) and emerging (rare earth elements, Pd, Mo, Pt) contaminants, as well as their trophic transfer in the food web, and (iii) test the effect of rehabilitation efforts on the biological and ecological functions of Lake Osisko. We hypothesize that (i) aquatic taxonomic composition will be the richest and most diverse prior to human settlement and onset of mining activities, but decrease drastically thereafter, (ii) Lake Osisko will be the most contaminated lake and show the steeper slope of the relationship between trophic position and TE concentration within a food web compared to other lakes, (iii) rehabilitation will favour the recovery of the damaged Lake Osisko. Overall, the project will provide a better understanding of the contamination history of the Rouyn-Noranda region and its impact on aquatic communities. Finding will benefit public health, ecology, economy, and will help develop rehabilitation methods adapted to the boreal biome.
Marta Gabriele Comment les effets cumulatifs des métaux affectent-ils le développement et la diversité des communautés d'eau douce en contexte de changement climatique? Est-ce que de faibles concentrations peuvent être bénéfiques pour les organismes? Si oui, quel est le seuil au-delà duquel des effets négatifs se font sentir? Examen doctoral (2024-02-01)
Marta Gabriele The past, present and the potential future of metal-contaminated boreal lakes in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region. 2e colloque annuel du GREMA, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2023-06-06)
Marta Gabriele The past, present and the potential future of metal-contaminated boreal lakes in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region Projet de thèse (2023-03-29)
Marta Gabriele The past, present and the potential future of metal-contaminated boreal lakes in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region (Quebec) GRE-MIDIS (2023-03-09)
Marta Gabriele, Maikel Rosabal, Miguel Montoro Girona, Guillaume Grosbois. The past, present and the potential future of Osisko lake in Rouyn-Noranda 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)