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Lisa Venier


Cédric Boué, Tonia DeBellis, Lisa Venier, Steven Kembel, Timothy Work. Limited initial impacts of biomass harvesting on composition of wood-inhabiting fungi within residual stumps. 2019. PeerJ 7:e8027
DOI : 10.7717/peerj.8027    

Caroline E. Emilson, Nicolas Bélanger, Colin E. Chisholm, Amanda C. Diochon, Ruth D. Joseph, John H. Markham, Dave M. Morris, Ken C.J. Van Rees, Michael P. Rutherford, Lisa Venier, Paul Hazlett, Suzanne Brais. Short-term growth response of jack pine and spruce spp. to wood ash amendment across Canada. 2019. GCB Bioenergy 12(2):158-167
DOI : 10.1111/gcbb.12661    

Lisa Venier, Dave M. Morris, Jan Klimaszewski, William B Bowden, Timothy Work, Martin M. Kwiaton, Kara Webster, Paul Hazlett. Ground-dwelling arthropod response to fire and clearcutting in jack pine: Implications for ecosystem management. 2017. Can. J. For. Res. 47(12):1614-1631
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2017-0145     

Jan Klimaszewski, Caroline Bourdon, Yves Bousquet, David Paré, Lisa Venier, Évelyne Thiffault, Brian D. Titus, Timothy Work. Initial responses of rove and ground beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Carabidae) to removal of logging residues following clearcut harvesting in the boreal forest of Quebec, Canada. 2013. Zookeys 258:31-52
DOI : 10.3897/zookeys.258.4174     

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 Kaysandra Waldron, Nelson Thiffault, Dominique Boucher, Lisa Venier, Elizabeth Campbell, Sylvie Gauthier. Rétablissement post-perturbation en forêt boréale canadienne : l'importance des dispositifs de recherche à long terme 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-02)  

 Lisa Venier Birds and budworm: the long and short of it Axe écologie (2012-12-12)