I describe myself as a Korean nomad in search of interesting research and places to live. I chose to make a stop on my journey at the Forest Research Institute, UQAT following Sweden, Poland and Korea.
My PhD project is to evaluate silvicultural treatments on regeneration as part of sustainable forest management in Quebec. I aim to increase knowledge about the interaction between human interventions and their impacts on forests, as well as to determine indicators of biodiversity and resilience. These results would contribute to the boreal ecosystems in the face of climate change.
Projet de recherche :
Traitements sylvicoles novateurs pour réussir l’aménagement durable de la forêt boréale : évaluation des impacts sur l’avenir de la régénération
My current research is to evaluate the impacts of silvicultural treatments on conifer regeneration and soil microbiome in black spruce forests. I aim to increase knowledge about the interaction between anthropogenic disturbance and forest ecosystem, as well as to determine indicators of biodiversity and resilience. These results would contribute to achieving sustainable management of boreal forests in the face of climate change.
Sanghyun Kim, Semyung Kwon, Kihyung Park, Wonseok Kang, Jeonghwan Kim, Chan-Beom Kim, Miguel Montoro Girona. Predicting Post-Fire Tree Mortality in a Temperate Pine Forest, Korea. 2021. Sustainability 13(2):569
DOI : 10.3390/su13020569
Sanghyun Kim, E. Petter Axelsson, John K. Senior, Miguel Montoro Girona. Continuous-cover forestry maintains soil fungal communities in Norway spruce dominated boreal forests. 2021. For. Ecol. Manage. 480:118659
DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118659
Sanghyun Kim Régénération après coupe partielle présenté dans le cadre de la visite terrain. 9e colloque annuel du Rendez-vous des ressources naturelles de l'AFAT - Les coupes partielles (2023-06-07)
Sanghyun Kim Black spruce regeneration for 18 years after experimental silvicultural treatments in the Eastern Canadian Boreal Forest. 2e colloque annuel du GREMA, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2023-06-06)
Sanghyun Kim, Miguel Montoro Girona, Patricia Raymond, Annie DesRochers, Hubert Morin, Yves Bergeron. Effects of Partial Harvest and Stand Structure on Conifer Regeneration in Black Spruce Stands: The MISA Project 15e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec (2022-09-29)
Sanghyun Kim Forestry in Korea: Future Collaboration Opportunities GRE-MIDIS (2022-03-31)
Sanghyun Kim How do soil microbial communities affect the plant resilience under climate change? Synthèse environnementale (2021-12-13)
Sanghyun Kim, Miguel Montoro Girona, Patricia Raymond, Annie DesRochers, Hubert Morin, Christine Martineau, Yves Bergeron. Can partial harvest promote conifer regeneration and soil ecosystem in black spruce stands? 23e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2021-12-07)
Sanghyun Kim Impacts of partial harvests on conifer regeneration and soil microbiome in eastern Canadian boreal forests Projet de thèse (2021-05-25)
Sanghyun Kim, E. Petter Axelsson, Miguel Montoro Girona, John K. Senior. Continuous-cover forestry maintains soil fungal communities in Norway spruce dominated boreal forests 22e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, complètement virtuel (2020-12-02)