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Lei Gao

I like to keep running, chasing the world I want and the life I want to own. I look forward to coming to UQAT to continue my research, start a different cultural experience, and study with everyone at the Forest Research Institute.

My PhD project is about forest productivity, that is, the impact of environmental factors such as different ground cover and soil conditions on boreal forests. This will make a contribution to the balance of forest ecosystems and climate change.

Projet de recherche : Jack pine productivity on lichen dominated sites

Title: Research on Jack pine stand productivity on sandy soils Description and Problematic Nowadays, in the context of global climate change, the role of forest ecosystems as an important part of the e arth's surface cannot be ignored. It is necessary to pay attention to forest growth and its influencing factors. Jack Pine is an importa nt part of the boreal forest ecosystem in Canada, and it is also of great significance in the fields of ecology, economy and society. Simultaneously, given the complexity of these ecosystems, there is still insufficient knowledge to guide future strategi es and currently the forest ry is very vulnerable. Therefore, it is important to further understand the growth mechanism of Jack Pine and its controlling factors. In this regard, our project aims to provide tools for silvicultural remediation or maintaining stands at a productive stage by identifying and reveal ing the fundamental combination of limiting factors that lead to an alternative, unproductive stable state. In parallel, we want to study the effects of different treatments. Project Objective In the face of the current complex problems of forest ecosystems, especially in terms of the limitation of the boreal forest productivity and the instability of ecological functions, we need to explore the causes of the problems in order to better control the development of forestry. Therefore, the overall objective of this research project is to explore more environmental factors suitable for forest growth and to provide theoretical basis for maintaining Jack Pine forest productivity. Objective 1 First , on a spatial scale, we have to observe the growth of Jack Pine forest in different regions in order to consider the impact of regional differences on it. Objective 2 Then, we aim to understand the effects of different surface mulches (Moss and lichen) on fine root biomass and soil nutrients of trees, as well as the ways in which these effects are regulated by shading and well as the ways in which these effects are regulated by shading and fertilization.fertilization. Objective 3 At the same time, we we determine whether and how water determine whether and how water restrictions affect forest productivityrestrictions affect forest productivity andand eexplore the productivity of Jack pine xplore the productivity of Jack pine at different at different stands stands agesages..

Lei Gao, David Paré, Flavia Braghiroli, Mathieu Lamarche, Yves Bergeron. Relationships between charcoal property and post fire productivity in the boreal forest 2025. Forest Ecosystems 100277
DOI :    

Lei Gao. Les mécanismes de transition entre deux écosystèmes, les forêts ouvertes à lichen et les forêts fermées à mousse, et la relation entre ces deux écosystèmes et l'héritage des incendies dans la forêt boréale 2024. Thèse de doctorat en sciences de l'Environnement, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. 136 p.

Lei Gao, David Paré, Christine Martineau, Xiangbo Yin, Juanita Carolina Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Patrick Gagné, Yves Bergeron. Response of the soil microbial communities to forest ground cover manipulation in a boreal forest 2024. For. Ecol. Manage. 121615
DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121615    

Lei Gao, David Paré, Raphaël Chavardes, Yves Bergeron. Initiating the transition from open-canopy lichen woodland to productive forest by transplanting moss, results from a 10-year experiment. 2023. Plant and soil. 484(1-2):33-48
DOI : 10.1007/s11104-023-05977-w    

voir la liste complète

 Lei Gao, David Paré, Yves Bergeron, Christine Martineau, Raphaël Chavardes, Xiangbo Yin, Juanita Carolina Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Patrick Gagne. Les mécanismes de transition entre deux écosystèmes, les forêts ouvertes à lichen et les forêts fermées à mousse 26e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Hôtel Forestel, Val-d'Or, Québec. (2024-11-20)  

 Lei Gao Les mécanismes de transition entre deuxécosystèmes, les forêts ouvertes à lichen et lesforêts fermées à mousse, et la relation entre cesdeux écosystèmes et l’héritage des incendiesdans la forêt boréale Soutenance thèse (2024-04-11)  

 Lei Gao The potential effects of charcoal produced during forest fire on the boreal forest Examen doctoral (2022-05-09)