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Nicolas Mansuy


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Projet de recherche : Influence of fire regime, site factors and climate on forest resilience at the northern limit of forest allocation.

Carlos Cerrejon Lozano, Osvaldo Valeria, Marion Barbé, Nicolas Mansuy, Nicole J. Fenton. Predictive mapping of bryophyte richness patterns in boreal forests using species distribution models and remote sensing data. 2020. Ecological Indicator 119:106826
DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106826    

Yves Bergeron, Luc Guindon, Nicolas Mansuy, André Beaudoin, Mohammed Henneb, Nicole J. Fenton, Ahmed Laamrani, Sonia Légaré, Osvaldo Valeria. Soil data for mapping paludification in black spruce forests of eastern Canada. 2018. Data in brief 21:2616-2621
DOI : 10.1016/j.dib.2018.11.131    

Luc Guindon, Yves Bergeron, Nicolas Mansuy, André Beaudoin, Nicole J. Fenton, Ahmed Laamrani, Sonia Légaré, Osvaldo Valeria. Digital mapping of paludification in soils under black spruce forests of eastern Canada. 2018. Geoderma 15:e00194
DOI : 10.1016/j.geodrs.2018.e00194   

Julien Beguin, Geir-Arne Fuglstad, Nicolas Mansuy, David Paré. Predicting soil properties in the Canadian boreal forest with limited data: comparison of spatial and non-spatial statistical approaches. 2017. Geoderma 306:195-205
DOI : 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.06.016    

Nicolas Mansuy, Guillaume Cyr, Francis Manka, Benoit Lafleur, Luc Guidon, Évelyne Thiffault, David Paré, Pierre Bernier. Estimating the spatial distribution and locating hotspots of forest biomass from harvest residues and fire-damaged stands in Canada's managed forests. 2017. Biomass and Bioenergy 97:90-99
DOI : 10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.12.014     

Évelyne Thiffault, Kara Webster, Stephanie Wilson, Benoit Lafleur, Nicolas Mansuy. Biophysical indicators based on spatial hierarchy for informing land reclamation: The case of the Lower Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada). 2017. Ecological Indicator 72:173-184
DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.08.020     

Mélanie Desrochers, Annie Claude Bélisle, Yves Bergeron, Nicolas Mansuy, Alain Leduc, Sylvie Gauthier, Hubert Morin. Detecting Local Drivers of Fire Cycle Heterogeneity in Boreal Forests: A Scale Issue. 2016. Forests 7(7):139
DOI : 10.3390/f7070139     

Pierre Bernier, Sylvie Gauthier, Yves Bergeron, Nicolas Mansuy, Frédérick Raulier , Alain Leduc. Using salvage logging and tolerance to risk to reduce the impact of forest fires on timber supply calculations. 2015. Can. J. For. Res. 45(4): 480-486
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2014-0434     

Nicolas Mansuy, Sylvie Gauthier, Yves Bergeron, Yan Boulanger, Aurélie Terrier, André Robitaille. Spatial attributes of fire regime in eastern Canada: influences of regional landscape physiography and climate. 2014. Landscape Ecology 29(7):1157-1170
DOI : 10.1007/s10980-014-0049-4     

Nicolas Mansuy, Yves Bergeron, André Robitaille, Sylvie Gauthier. Regional patterns of postfire canopy recovery in the northern boreal forest of Quebec: interactions between surficial deposit, climate, and fire cycle. 2012. Can. J. For. Res. 42(7):1328-1343
DOI : 10.1139/x2012-101     

Nicolas Mansuy, Yves Bergeron, Sylvie Gauthier. Afforestation opportunities when stand productivity is driven by a high risk of natural disturbance: a review of the open lichen woodland in the eastern boreal forest of Canada. 2012. Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 1-20
DOI : 10.1007/s11027-012-9362-x     

Nicolas Mansuy, André Robitaille, Yves Bergeron, Sylvie Gauthier. The effects of surficial deposit–drainage combinations on spatial variations of fire cycles in the boreal forest of eastern Canada. 2010. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19(8):1083-1098
DOI : 10.1071/WF09144     

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 Nicolas Mansuy, Osvaldo Valeria, Ahmed Laamrani, Nicole J. Fenton, André Beaudoin, Yves Bergeron. Cartographie régionale de la paludification dans la pessière noire du nord-du-Québec à l’aide des méthodes de classification automatisés 18e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2016-12-01)  

 Nicolas Mansuy Régime des feux et dynamique forestière post-feu de part et d'autre de la limite nordique des forêts commerciales au Québec. Soutenance thèse (2013-03-06)  

 Nicolas Mansuy Impacts du reboisement des landes à lichens sur le bilan de carbone du Québec, de part et d'autre de la limite nordique, à court et long terme. examen synthèse (2009-06-19)  

 Nicolas Mansuy Impact des types de dépôts sur la récurrence des feux à la limite nord-ouest des forêts commerciales du Québec 22ème colloque CONFOR-Innovation. Parc National du Mont Orford, Orford, Québec, Canada.