Victor Danneyrolles, Yan Boucher, Richard Fournier, Osvaldo Valeria. Positive effects of projected climate change on post-disturbance forest regrowth rates in northeastern North American boreal forests. 2023. Environnemental Research Letter 18:024041
DOI : 10.1088/1748-9326/acb72a
Forest anthropogenic and natural stand-replacing disturbances are increasing worldwide due to global change. Many uncertainties regarding the regeneration and growth of these young forests remain within the context of changing climate. In this study, we investigate the effects of climate, tree species composition, and other landscape-scale environmental variables upon boreal forest regrowth following clearcut logging in eastern Canada. Our main objective was to predict the effects of future climate changes upon post-logging forest height regrowth at a subcontinental scale using high spatial resolution remote sensing data. We modeled forest canopy height (estimated from airborne laser scanning [LiDAR] data over 20 m resolution virtual plots) as a function of time elapsed since the last clearcut along with climate (i.e. temperature and moisture), tree species composition, and other environmental variables (e.g. topography and soil hydrology). Once trained and validated with ∼240 000 plots, the model that was developed in this study was used to predict potential post-logging canopy height regrowth at 20 m resolution across a 240 000 km2 area following scenarios depicting a range of projected changes in temperature and moisture across the region for 2041–2070. Our results predict an overall beneficial, but limited effect of projected climate changes upon forest regrowth rates in our study area. Stimulatory effects of projected climate change were more pronounced for conifer forests, with growth rates increasing between +5% and +50% over the study area, while mixed and broadleaved forests recorded changes that mostly ranged from −5% to +35%. Predicted increased regrowth rates were mainly associated with increased temperature, while changes in climate moisture had a minor effect. We conclude that such growth gains could partially compensate for the inevitable increase in natural disturbances but should not allow any increase in harvested volumes.
Tadeusz Splawinski, Yan Boucher, David M. Green, Sylvie Gauthier, Mathieu Bouchard, Isabelle Auger, Luc Sirois, Yves Bergeron, Osvaldo Valeria. Factors influencing black spruce reproductive potential in the northern boreal forest of Quebec. 2022. Can. J. For. Res. 52(12):1499-1512
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2022-0092
The reproductive ecology of the semi-serotinous species black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) in northern boreal forests remains poorly understood. There is a general lack of data on cone/seed production and viability as a function of biotic tree-level characteristics and abiotic variables. No studies currently exist to quantify these differences over a large gradient in temperature, elevation, and precipitation. Extensive physical, ecological, dendrometric, and reproductive data were collected from young to very old black spruce stands in northern Quebec. ANOVA and general linear mixed models were used to examine interannual cone production, and the relative importance of the biotic and abiotic explanatory factors in determining total cone production; length of the cone-bearing zone; filled seeds per cone; proportion of filled seeds; and seed viability. The results illustrate that the reproductive ecology of black spruce in northern cold forests is mainly explained by biotic variables such as age and diameter at breast height, and by abiotic variables related to temperature such as elevation, length of the growing season, and growing degree-days. Black spruce exhibits a lower reproductive potential in northern cold forests, making it possibly less resilient to increased fire frequency, particularly in unproductive and very young or very old stands.
Batistin Bour, Victor Danneyrolles, Yan Boucher, Richard Fournier, Luc Guindon. Modeling post-logging height growth of black spruce-dominated boreal forests by combining airborne LiDAR and time since harvest maps 2021. For. Ecol. Manage. 119697
DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119697
Increase in forest disturbance due to land use as well as climate change has led to an expansion of young forests worldwide, which drives global carbon dynamics and timber allocation. This study presents a method that combines a single airborne LiDAR acquisition and time since harvest maps to model height growth of post-logged black spruce-dominated forests in a 1700 km2 eastern Canadian boreal landscape. We developed a random forest model in which forest height at a 20 m × 20 m pixel resolution is a function of stand age, combined with environmental variables (e.g., slope, site moisture, surface deposit). Our results highlight the model's strong predictive power: least-square regression between predicted and observed height of our validation dataset was very close to the 1:1 relation and strongly supported by validation metrics (R2 = 0.74; relative RMSE = 19%). Environmental variables thus allowed to accurately predict forest productivity with a high spatial resolution (20 m × 20 m pixels) and predicted forest height growth in the first 50 years after logging ranged between 16 and 27 cm·year−1 across the whole study area, with a mean of 20.5 cm·year−1. The spatial patterns of potential height growth were strongly linked to the effect of topographical variables, with better growth rates on mesic slopes compared to poorly drained soils. Such models could have key implications in forest management, for example to maintain forest ecosystem services by adjusting the harvesting rates depending on forest productivity across the landscapes.
Maxence Martin, Patricia Raymond, Yan Boucher. Influence of individual tree characteristics, spatial structure and logging history on tree-related microhabitat occurrence in North American hardwood forests 2021. Forest Ecosystems 8(1):27
DOI : 10.1186/s40663-021-00305-z
Tree-related microhabitats (hereafter, “TreMs”) are key components of forest biodiversity but they are still poorly known in North American hardwood forests. The spatial patterns of living trees bearing TreMs (hereafter, “TreM-trees”) also remain to be determined. As logging practices can lead to a loss of TreM-trees and of their associated biodiversity, it is essential to identify the factors explaining TreM occurrence to better integrate them into forest management. We therefore inventoried TreMs in 4 0.5-ha survey strips in northern hardwood forests in Quebec, Canada, while recording the spatial location of each tree. Two strips were located in unmanaged old-growth forests, and 2 were in forests managed under selection cutting. All 4 stands were dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrn.). Beech bark disease, an exotic pathology, was observed in all the strips.
Victor Danneyrolles, Mark Vellend, Sébastien Dupuis, Yan Boucher, Jason Laflamme, Yves Bergeron, Gabriel Fortin, Marie Leroyer, André de Römer, Raphaëlle Terrail, Dominique Arseneault. Scale-dependent changes in tree diversity over more than a century in eastern Canada: Landscape diversification and regional homogenization. 2021. Journal of Ecology 109(1):273-283
DOI : 10.1111/1365-2745.13474
- A better understanding of how disturbance impacts tree diversity at different scales is essential for our ability to conserve and manage forest ecosystems in the context of global changes. Here we test the impacts of land use?related disturbances on tree diversity since the 19th century across a broad region (>150,000 km2) of northern temperate forests in eastern Canada.
- We used a large and unique dataset of early land surveys conducted during the 19th century (>130,000 species lists), along with modern forest inventories (>80,000 plots), to analyse long?term changes in taxonomic and functional tree diversity at several scales (grid cell resolutions ranging from 12.5 to 1,600 km2; we refer to one grid cell as a ‘landscape’).
- Our results show that land use?related disturbances have led simultaneously to (a) increased diversity within landscapes and a (b) homogenization at the regional scale (i.e. decreased composition dissimilarity among landscapes). These trends were found for both taxonomic diversity and functional diversity, with temporal changes more pronounced for taxonomic than functional diversity. We also found an increase over time in the strength of correlations between environmental variables and diversity both within and among landscapes.
- Synthesis. Our results support the idea that human?induced impacts on biodiversity are strongly scale?dependent and not necessarily associated with biodiversity loss. This highlights possible ways that human?driven changes in tree diversity might impact forest resistance and resilience to future global changes.
Maxence Martin, Yan Boucher, Philippe Marchand, Hubert Morin, Nicole J. Fenton. Forest management has reduced the structural diversity of residual boreal old-growth forest landscapes in Eastern Canada. 2020. For. Ecol. Manage. 458:117765
DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117765
The impact of traditional even-aged forest management on landscape age structure, tree composition, and connectivity has been well documented. Very little, however, is known about the impact on stand structural diversity. This study aims to compare the structural and abiotic characteristics of forest stands disturbed by clearcut logging and by stand-replacing fire in Quebec’s boreal landscapes. We hypothesized that unlike fire, logging specifically targeted stands having a higher economic value, i.e., merchantable volume, leaving altered forest characteristics on post-harvested landscapes. We compared two aerial forest surveys of a 2200 km2 study area, one survey completed before any logging activity (preindustrial survey; 1980s), and the second survey collected >10 years after logging activity (modern survey; 2000s). Forest stands at the time of the preindustrial survey were primary forests. We identified stands as either burned, logged, or left aside after forest management of the area (remaining stands) between the two surveys and compared their structural and abiotic characteristics using logistic regression. The structural and abiotic characteristics of burned and logged stands differed significantly. Relative to the burned stands, logged stands were older, denser, and marked by poorer drainage and a higher proportion of black spruce; therefore post-harvest and post-burn landscapes differed in terms of their structural diversities. Traditional even-aged forest management has significantly altered the boreal forest landscape by targeting specific stands having higher economic value and leaving behind stands of lower economic value. Remaining high economic stands should be protected, and a more balanced approach to harvesting must be used in the context of ecosystem-based management.
Sébastien Dupuis, Yan Boucher, Jason Laflamme, Gabriel Fortin, Victor Danneyrolles, Marie Leroyer, Raphaëlle Terrail, Yves Bergeron, Dominique Arseneault. Utilisation couplée des archives d’arpentage
et de la classification écologique pour affiner
les cibles de composition dans l’aménagement
écosystémique des forêts tempérées du Québec. 2020. Mémoire de recherche forestière, Direction de la recherche forestière no 183. 36 p.
Sébastien Dupuis, Gabriel Fortin, Marie Leroyer, André de Römer, Victor Danneyrolles, Raphaëlle Terrail, Mark Vellend, Yan Boucher, Jason Laflamme, Yves Bergeron, Dominique Arseneault. Stronger influence of anthropogenic disturbance than climate change on century-scale compositional changes in northern forests. 2019. Nature - Communications 10:1265
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-019-09265-z
Predicting future ecosystem dynamics depends critically on an improved understanding of how disturbances and climate change have driven long-term ecological changes in the past. Here we assembled a dataset of >100,000 tree species lists from the 19th century across a broad region (>130,000km2) in temperate eastern Canada, as well as recent forest inventories, to test the effects of changes in anthropogenic disturbance, temperature and moisture on forest dynamics. We evaluate changes in forest composition using four indices quantifying the affinities of co-occurring tree species with temperature, drought, light and disturbance. Land-use driven shifts favouring more disturbance-adapted tree species are far stronger than any effects ascribable to climate change, although the responses of species to disturbance are correlated with their expected responses to climate change. As such, anthropogenic and natural disturbances are expected to have large direct effects on forests and also indirect effects via altered responses to future climate change.
Pierre Grondin, Véronique Poirier, Sylvie Gauthier, Patrice Tardif, Yan Boucher, Yves Bergeron. Have some landscapes in the eastern
Canadian boreal forest moved beyond their
natural range of variability? 2018. Forest Ecosystems 5(1):30
DOI : 10.1186/s40663-018-0148-9
In the context of ecosystem management, the present study aims to compare the natural and the present-day forested landscapes of a large territory in Quebec (Canada). Using contemporary and long-term fire cycles, each natural forest landscape is defined according to the variability of its structure and composition, and compared to the present-day landscape. This analysis was conducted to address the question of whether human activities have moved these ecosystems outside the range of natural landscape variability.
Yan Boucher, Maude Perrault-Hébert, Richard Fournier, Isabelle Auger, Pierre Drapeau. Cumulative patterns of logging and fire (1940–2009):consequences on the structure of the eastern Canadianboreal forest. 2017. Landscape Ecology 32(2):361-375
DOI : 10.1007/s10980-016-0448-9
Although logging has affected circumboreal forest dynamics for nearly a century, very few studies have reconstructed its influence on landscape structure at the subcontinental scale.
This study aims to document spatiotemporal patterns of logging and fire since the introduction of logging in the early twentieth-century, and to evaluate the effects of these disturbances on landscape structure.
We used historical (1940–2009) logging and fire maps to document disturbance patterns across a 195,000-km2 boreal forest landscape of eastern Canada. We produced multitemporal (1970s–2010s) mosaics providing land cover status using Landsat imagery.
Logging significantly increased the rate of disturbance (+74 %) in the study area. The area affected by logging increased linearly with time resulting in a significant rejuvenation of the landscape along the harvesting pattern (south–north progression). From 1940 to 2009, fire was the dominant disturbance and showed a more random spatial distribution than logging. The recent increase of fire influence and the expansion of the proportion of area classified as unproductive terrestrial land suggest that regeneration failures occurred.
This study reveals how logging has modified the disturbances dynamics, following the progression of the logging frontier. Future management practices should aim for a dispersed spatial distribution of harvests to generate landscape structures that are closer to natural conditions, in line with ecosystem-based management. The challenges of defining sustainable practices will remain complex with the predicted increase in fire frequency, since this factor, in combination with logging, can alter both the structure and potentially the resilience of boreal forest.
voir la liste complète
Stelsa Fortin, Yan Boucher, Yves Bergeron, Martin Simard. Régénération de l'épinette noire après feu en contexte de changement climatique : quels sont les ingrédients nécessaires pour assurer une bonne régénération? 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-03)
Yan Boucher, Victor Danneyrolles. Prévention des échecs de régénération en forêt boréale : détermination d'un seuil d'arbres semenciers à maintenir lors de la coupe forestière au Québec 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-02)
Victor Danneyrolles, Yan Boucher, Richard Fournier, Osvaldo Valeria. Suivi et modélisation de la dynamique structurelle des forêts perturbées avec les données de LiDAR aéroporté 15e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec (2022-09-29)
Pierre Grondin, Maxence Martin, Hubert Morin, Yan Boucher. La tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette : moteur de la dynamique des vieilles forêts boréales et source d’inspiration pour l’aménagement écosystémique? Les Rendez-vous de la connaissance en aménagement forestier durable MFFP - Les ravageurs forestiers (2021-05-18)
Yan Boucher Changement (1950-2015) de la structure et de la composition des forêts du Québec à partir des archives de la Consolidated Bathurst: rôle des coupes et des perturbations naturelles 13e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (2019-05-01)
Marin Seto, Jean-Pierre Jetté, Alexis Schab, Tadeusz Splawinski, Dominic Cyr, Sonia Légaré, Véronique Christophe, Alexis Leroux, Mathieu Bouchard, Yan Boucher, Jean-Pierre Saucier, Alain Leduc, Osvaldo Valeria, Sylvie Gauthier, Yves Bergeron. La gestion du risque intégrée à la prise de décision en aménagement forestier: le cas des zones sensibles de la forêt boréale. Carrefour Forêts (2019-04-04)
Yan Boucher Régénération après feu des écosystèmes boréaux dans un contexte de changements globaux Midi-foresterie (2018-10-23) youtube
Yan Boucher Régénération après-feu des écosystèmes dominés par l'épinette noire dans un contexte de changements globaux 12e colloque annuel du CEF, Université Laval (2018-04-30)
Yan Boucher Les états de référence » pour la mise en œuvre de l’aménagement durable des forêts. Les états de référence » pour la mise en œuvre de (2009-03-31)
Dominique Arseneault, Luc Sirois, Yan Boucher. Enjeux d'aménagement écosystémique dans la sapinière à bouleau jaune de l'Est (Bas-Saint-Laurent) 74ième congrès annuel de l’ACFAS, Colloque C-643 Définition des enjeux régionaux dans la mise en place de l’aménagement écosystemique des forêts du Québec. Université McGill, Montréal, Québec, Canada.