Yan Boulanger, Dominique Arseneault, Annie Claude Bélisle, Yves Bergeron, Jonathan Boucher, Yan Boucher, Victor Danneyrolles, Sandy Erni, Philippe Gachon, Martin P. Girardin, Éliane Grant, Pierre Grondin, Jean-Pierre Jetté, Guillemette Labadie, Mathieu Leblond, Alain Leduc, Jesus Pascual Puigdevall, Martin-Hugues St-Laurent, Junior A. Tremblay, Kaysandra Waldron. The 2023 wildfire season in Québec: an overview of extreme conditions, impacts, lessons learned, and considerations for the future 2024. Can. J. For. Res. Online first
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2023-0298
The 2023 wildfire season in Québec set records due to extreme warm and dry conditions, burning 4.5 million hectares and indicating persistent and escalating impacts associated with climate change. This study reviews the unusual weather conditions that led to the fires, discussing their extensive impacts on the forest sector, fire management, boreal caribou habitats, and particularly the profound effects on First Nation communities. The wildfires led to significant declines in forest productivity and timber supply, overwhelming fire management resources, and necessitating widespread evacuations. First Nation territories were dramatically altered, facing severe air quality issues and disruptions. While caribou impacts were modest across the province, the broader ecological, economical, and social repercussions were considerable. To mitigate future extreme wildfire seasons, the study suggests changes in forest management practices to increase forest resilience and resistance, adapting industrial structures to changes in wood type harvested, and enhancing fire suppression and risk management strategies. It calls for a comprehensive, unified approach to risk management that incorporates the lessons learned from the 2023 fire season and accounts for ongoing climate change. The study underscores the urgent need for detailed planning and proactive measures to reduce the growing risks and impacts of wildfires in a changing climate.
Aurélie Chalumeau, Yves Bergeron, Mathieu Bouchard, Pierre Grondin, Marie-Claude Lambert, Catherine Périé. Anticipated impacts in habitat of diagnostic species of potential natural vegetations due to climate change at the ecotone between temperate and boreal forests 2024. Climate Change Ecology 100089
DOI : 10.1016/j.ecochg.2024.100089
Potential natural vegetations are crucial for forest research, management, and monitoring, especially considering their evolution amidst climate change. In Quebec (Canada), these vegetations were defined in the 2000s but haven't been updated since then. Originally, stability in their composition and dynamics relied on unchanged climate, soil characteristics, and disturbance regimes. However, in the southwestern part of Quebec forests, we have enhanced the description of potential natural vegetations using diagnostic species, based on their indicator values and relative abundance. This improvement prompts a reevaluation of these vegetations, particularly at the transition between temperate and boreal forests, considering climate change. Our study, using tree habitat suitability models, reveals that even under a moderately warming scenario (2041–2070 RCP 4.5 W m−2), diagnostic coniferous and boreal hardwood species face habitat suitability declines but the current classification remains adequate. However, a more severe warming scenario (2071–2100 RCP 8.5 W m−2) results in significant habitat unsuitability for these diagnostic species, questioning the relevance of the current classification at the ecotone. Given the crucial tool of potential natural vegetations in forest management, updating their classification becomes imperative to guide forestry practices' adaptation to climate change.
Yan Boulanger, Dominique Arseneault, Annie Claude Bélisle, Yves Bergeron, Jonathan Boucher, Yan Boucher, Victor Danneyrolles, Sandy Erni, Philippe Gachon, Martin P. Girardin, Éliane Grant, Pierre Grondin, Jean-Pierre Jetté, Guillemette Labadie, Mathieu Leblond, Alain Leduc, Jesus Pascual Puigdevall, Martin-Hugues St-Laurent, Junior A. Tremblay, Kaysandra Waldron. La saison des feux de forêt 2023 au Québec : un aperçu des conditions extrêmes, des impacts, des leçons apprises et des considérations pour l’avenir 2024. Can. J. For. Res. Online first
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2024-0230
La saison des feux de forêt de 2023 au Québec, marquée par des conditions extrêmement chaudes et sèches, a établi de nouveaux records en brûlant 4,5 millions d'hectares. Cette situation est directement liée aux impacts persistants et en augmentation du changement climatique. Cette étude examine les conditions météorologiques exceptionnelles ayant mené aux feux et évalue leurs impacts significatifs sur le secteur forestier, la gestion des feux, les habitats du caribou boréal, et met particulièrement en lumière les répercussions profondes sur les communautés des Premières Nations. Les feux ont entraîné une baisse significative de la productivité des forêts et de l'approvisionnement en bois, submergeant les équipes de gestion des feux et nécessitant des évacuations massives. Le territoire et les communautés des Premières Nations ont été profondément affectés, confrontés à de graves problèmes de qualité de l'air et à des bouleversements considérables. Si l'impact sur l?habitat du caribou a été modeste dans l'ensemble de la province, les répercussions écologiques, économiques et sociales ont été considérables. Pour atténuer les impacts à venir des prochaines saisons de feux de forêt extrêmes, une avenue suggérée serait de modifier les pratiques d?aménagement forestier afin d'accroître la résilience et la résistance des forêts, d'adapter les structures industrielles aux nouvelles sources d'approvisionnement en bois et d'améliorer les stratégies de lutte contre les feux et la gestion des risques. De même, une approche globale
Augustin Feussom, Laurent Millet, Damien Rius, Adam A. Ali, Yves Bergeron, Pierre Grondin, Sylvie Gauthier, Olivier Blarquez. An 8500-year history of climate-fire-vegetation interactions in the eastern maritime black spruce–moss bioclimatic domain, Québec, Canada 2023. Ecoscience 1
DOI : 10.1080/11956860.2023.2292354
The eastern, maritime portion of the black spruce – moss bioclimatic domain in Québec (Canada) is characterized by large wildfires with low occurrence. However, it is still poorly understood how climate–fire interactions influenced long-term vegetation dynamics in the boreal forest of eastern Québec. The long-term historical climate–fire–vegetation interactions in this region were investigated using a multiproxy (chironomids, charcoal, and pollen) paleoecological analysis of an 8500-year sediment core. Chironomid-inferred August air temperatures suggest that the warm Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM; between ca. 7000–4000 cal yr BP) shifted to the cooler Neoglacial period (4000 cal yr BP to present), consistent with other temperature reconstructions across Québec. The shift to spruce-moss forest dominance around 4800 cal yr BP occurred nearly a thousand years before the climatic shift to the Neoglacial period and rather coincided with a shift from frequent low-severity small fires to infrequent but large and severe fire events. Our results suggest that long-term changes in the summer temperature are probably not the main factor controlling fire and vegetation dynamics in eastern Québec. It seems that, throughout the postglacial period, summer temperatures never fell below a threshold that could have induced a significant vegetation response.
La partie orientale et maritime du domaine bioclimatique de la pessière à mousse au Québec (Canada), est caractérisée par des grands incendies à très faible occurrence. Cependant, l’effet des interactions climat-feu sur la dynamique à long terme de la végétation dans la forêt boréale de l’est du Québec est peu connu. A l’aide d’une analyse paléoécologique multiproxies (chironomes, charbon de bois, pollen) d’une carotte sédimentaire de 8500 ans, nous avons documenté les interactions à long terme entre le climat, le feu et la végétation à l’est du Québec. Les températures de l’air du mois d’août reconstituées par les chironomes suggèrent que la période chaude de l’Optimum climatique Holocène (7000-4000 ans avant aujourd’hui (AA)) a cédé place à la période froide du Néoglaciaire (4000 ans AA à l’actuel) en cohérence avec les reconstitutions climatiques réalisées ailleurs au Québec. L’établissement de la pessière à mousses il y a environ 4800 ans s’est produit près d’un millier d’années avant la transition vers le Néoglaciaire et a plutôt coïncidé avec le changement de petits incendies peu sévères fréquents, à de grands incendies sévères peu fréquents. D’après nos résultats, les changements de températures estivales ne semblent pas jouer un rôle prépondérant dans la dynamique de la végétation et des feux dans l’est du Québec. Il semble que, tout au long de la période postglaciaire, les températures estivales n’aient jamais diminué sous un seuil qui aurait induit une réponse significative de la végétation.
Emmanuel Amoah Boakye, Yves Bergeron, Igor Drobyshev, Arvin Beekharry, David Voyer, Alexis Achim, Jian-Guo Huang, Pierre Grondin, Steve Bédard, Filip Havreljuk, Fabio Gennaretti, Martin-Philippe Girardin. Recent decline in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) growth extends to the northern parts of its distribution range in eastern Canada 2023. For. Ecol. Manage. 121304
DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121304
Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) growth in the species’ southern range has been declining since the 1980s, putting at risk a variety of ecosystem services that the species provides. Heatwaves, drought, frosts, acidic deposition, and insect defoliation, all reducing photosynthetic activity, have been suggested to be behind the phenomenon. Because the geographic scope of previous studies on maple growth is limited to the southern temperate biome, it is not currently understood whether the same negative trends and factors affecting growth rates apply to the species in more northern regions of its distribution range. Here we used annual ring-width data of 1675 trees from a network of 21 sites in Quebec and Ontario between 45˚N and 48˚N to reconstruct maple growth and to analyze its trends and climatic drivers since 1950 C
Jordan Paillard, Pierre J.H. Richard, Olivier Blarquez, Pierre Grondin, Yves Bergeron. Postglacial establishment and expansion of marginal populations of sugar maple in western Québec, Canada: Palynological detection and interactions with fire, climate and successional processes 2023. Holocene 1237-1256
DOI : 10.1177/09596836231183065
An isolated sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stand is located in the boreal forest of Abitibi, about 75?km beyond its present northern range limit. When did this relatively thermophilous tree species establish after ice retreat? Were its populations more abundant than now sometimes in the past? If so, when and how did they expand then retracted? How did the species persist in boreal forest over time? What could have been the role of fire on this stand? To answer those questions, we reconstructed the postglacial fire and vegetation history from three lacustrine sediment sequences distributed along a c. 180?km latitudinal transect from southern boreal forests to the northern portion of deciduous forests. From north to south, those are lakes Labelle, Chasseur and Fur. We explored a procedure based on pollen accumulation rates in order to detect the probable presence of sugar maple within the lakes? watershed. The procedure successfully indicates a sugar maple establishment c. 7800?5100 cal. BP at Fur, 5500?4400 cal. BP at Chasseur and c. 4000?2700 cal. BP at Labelle, in the north. At Fur, the subsequent sugar maple expansion happened 1 to 2 thousand years after establishment, during colder and moister climatic conditions favoring Pinus strobus L. replacement by Betula spp. c. 6000?5000 cal. BP. Sugar maple establishment, persistence or expansion is apparently not linked to a change in fire activity at Fur and Chasseur, but at Labelle, the species was more abundant during periods of shorter fire return intervals from 2000 to 500 years ago. Our study suggests that northern (Chasseur and Labelle) sugar maple establishment and possible expansion was probably more controlled by a complex interaction of inhibition and facilitation dynamics than by climate alone, a process reliant on the dominant vegetation?s composition and structure.
Pierre Grondin, Marie-Hélène Brice, Yan Boulanger, Claude Morneau, Pierre-Luc Couillard, Pierre J.H. Richard, Aurélie Chalumeau, Véronique Poirier. Ecological Classification in Forest Ecosystem Management: Links Between Current Practices and Future Climate Change in a Québec Case Study 2023. In: Girona, M.M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y. (eds) Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change. Advances in Global Change Research, vol 74. Springer, Cham. 219
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-15988-6_8
Climate change is expected to profoundly impact boreal forests, ranging from changes in forest composition and productivity to modifications in disturbance regimes. These climate-induced changes represent a major challenge for forest ecosystem management, as information based on ecological classification may no longer provide a straightforward guide for attaining management goals in the future. In this chapter, we examine how climate change could influence the use of ecological classification and by what means this approach can continue to be relevant for guiding the ongoing development of management practices. We address these questions by first describing ecological classification, using the example of Québec’s classification system, and then showing its importance in forest ecosystem management. Using a forest landscape in Québec as a case study, we then look at how climate change could affect boreal forest ecosystems by presenting a detailed, multistep analysis that considers climate analogs, habitat suitability, and changes in forest composition. We show that at the end of the century, the vegetation of the Abies-Betula western subdomain will not change sufficiently to resemble that of its climate analog, currently located ~500 km to the south. Changes in fire frequency and severity could significantly modify forest dynamics and composition. Consequently, the potential vegetation and the successional pathways defined under the current climate could change and follow new successional trajectories. This possible reality forces us to question some fundamental aspects of ecological classification. However, we argue that ecological classification can still provide a valuable framework for future forest management, particularly in continuing to recognize the various types of ecosystems present along toposequences. Given the changes expected in forest vegetation composition and dynamics, future variability and uncertainty must be integrated into the current stable classification units and predictable successional trajectories of ecological classification.
no result
Yan Boulanger, Jesus Pascual Puigdevall, Annie Claude Bélisle, Yves Bergeron, Marie-Hélène Brice, Louis De Grandpré, Daniel Fortin, Sylvie Gauthier, Pierre Grondin, Guillemette Labadie, Mathieu Leblond, Maryse Marchand, Tadeusz B. Splawinski, Martin-Hugues St-Laurent, Évelyne Thiffault, Junior A. Tremblay, Dominic Cyr, Stephen H. Yamasaki, . A regional integrated assessment of the impacts of climate change and of the potential adaptation avenues for Quebec’s forests. 2023. Can. J. For. Res. 53(8):556-578
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2022-0282
Regional analyses assessing the vulnerabilities of forest ecosystems and the forest sector to climate change are key to considering the heterogeneity of climate change impacts as well as the fact that risks, opportunities, and adaptation capacities might differ regionally. Here we provide the Regional Integrated Assessment of climate change on Quebec's forests, a work that involved several research teams and focused on climate change impacts on Quebec's commercial forests and on potential adaptation solutions. Our work showed that climate change will alter several ecological processes within Quebec's forests. These changes will result in important modifications in forest landscapes. Harvest will cumulate with climate change effects to further alter future forest landscapes, which will also have consequences on wildlife habitats (including woodland caribou habitat), avian biodiversity, carbon budget, and a variety of forest landscape values for Indigenous peoples. The adaptation of the forest sector will be crucial to mitigate the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystem goods and services and improve their resilience. Moving forward, a broad range of adaptation measures, notably through reducing harvest levels, should be explored to help strike a balance among social, ecological, and economic values. We conclude that without climate adaptation, strong negative economic and ecological impacts will likely affect Quebec's forests.
Yan Boulanger, Jesus Pascual Puigdevall, Annie Claude Bélisle, Yves Bergeron, Marie-Hélène Brice, Dominic Cyr, Louis De Grandpré, Daniel Fortin, Sylvie Gauthier, Pierre Grondin, Guillemette Labadie, Mathieu Leblond, Maryse Marchand, Tadeusz Bartek Splawinski, Martin-Hugues St-Laurent, Évelyne Thiffault, Junior Tremblay, Stephen Yamasaki. A regional integrated assessment of the impacts of climate change and of the potential adaptation avenues for Quebec’s forests. 2023. Can. J. For. Res.
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2022-0282
Regional analyses assessing the vulnerabilities of forest ecosystems and the forest sector to climate change are key to consider the heterogeneity of climate change impacts but also the fact that risks, opportunities and adaptation capacities might differ regionally. Here we provide the Regional Integrated Assessment of climate change on Quebec’s forests, a work that involved several research teams and that focused on climate change impacts on Quebec’s commercial forests and on potential adaptation solutions. Our work showed that climate change will alter several ecological processes within Quebec’s forests. These changes will result in important modifications in forest landscapes. Harvest will cumulate with climate change effects to further alter future forest landscapes which will also have consequences on wildlife habitat (including woodland caribou habitat), avian biodiversity, carbon budget and a variety of forest landscape values for Indigenous peoples. The adaptation of the forest sector, will be crucial to mitigate the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystem goods and services and improve their resilience. Moving forward, a broad range of adaptation measures, notably through reducing harvest levels, should be explored to help strike a balance among social, ecological and economic values. We conclude that without climate adaptation strong negative economical and ecological impacts will likely affect Quebec’s forests.
Raphaël Chavardes, Lorena Balducci, Yves Bergeron, Véronique Poirier, Pierre Grondin, Hubert Morin, Fabio Gennaretti. Greater tree species diversity and lower intraspecific
competition attenuate impacts from temperature
increases and insect epidemics in boreal forests of
western Quebec, Canada. 2022. Can. J. For. Res. 53(12):48-59
DOI : 10.1139/cjfr-2022-0114
We investigated how the surrounding environment influences the growth of dominant trees and their responses to temperature and insect epidemics in boreal forests of eastern Canada. We focused on 82 black spruce and jack pine focal trees in stands spanning a double gradient of species diversity and soil texture within a 36 km2 area of western Québec. For these trees, we compared their diameter at breast height, growth rates, temperature-growth relations, and growth during insect defoliator epidemics. We used linear models to study how surrounding tree attributes and soil properties affected the growth of focal trees. Models showed that tree growth responses and responses to temperature and insect epidemics were generally negative with higher intraspecific competition and positive with greater tree species diversity. Growth of both species benefitted from lower soil sand content. Our research offers novel insights on the potential role of the surrounding environment, notably tree competition and species diversity, in mitigating the vulnerability of eastern Canada’s boreal trees to anthropogenic climate change and insect epidemics.
voir la liste complète
Léa Blanchette, Guillaume de Lafontaine, Pierre Grondin. Origine et dynamique des bétulaies blanches marginales en forêt boréale 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-03)
Pierre Grondin, Luc Sirois, Guillaume de Lafontaine. L'origine des landes alpines en forêt boréale : une approche biogéographique 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-02)
Maxence Soubeyrand, Fabio Gennaretti, Pierre Grondin, Yves Bergeron, Philippe Marchand. Effet du climat et de la compétition sur la migration future vers le nord d'espèces de feuillus tempérés dans la forêt boréale mixte 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-02)
Guillaume de Lafontaine, Pierre Grondin. Trajectoire écologique de l'enfeuillement par le peuplier faux-tremble au Bas-St-Laurent révélée par une approche rétrospective 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-02)
Pierre Grondin, Martin Lavoie, Maude Demers, Ana Verhulst-Casanova, Laurie-Anne Chabot, Fabio Gennaretti, Catherine Caron. Conséquences des activités anthropiques sur la dynamique naturelle des tourbières forestières des Basses-Terres du Saint-Laurent (Québec) 3e rencontre annuelle du Laboratoire International de Recherche sur les Forêts Froides. Station touristique Duchesnay, Québec. (2023-10-04)
Achraf Ammar, Youssef Ben Slim, Ahmed Koubaa, Dorra Gassara, Yves Bergeron, Pierre Grondin, Alexis Achim. Évaluation non destructive de l’Impact de la carie dans le bois de l’érable à sucre sur ses propriétés chimiques physiques, et mécaniques 3e rencontre annuelle du Laboratoire International de Recherche sur les Forêts Froides. Station touristique Duchesnay, Québec. (2023-10-04)
Maxence Soubeyrand, Fabio Gennaretti, Olivier Blarquez, Pierre Grondin, Philippe Marchand. Effet du climat et de la compétition sur la migration future vers le nord d'espèces de feuillus tempérés dans la forêt boréale mixte 16e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Montréal (2023-05-08)
Pierre Grondin, Andréane Garant, Julien Beguin, Amira Fetouab , Maisa De Noronha, Dominique Arseneault. Forêts paludifiées, sols et changements climatiques Rendez-vous de la connaissance en aménagement forestier durable (2022-04-05)
Achraf Ammar, Ahmed Koubaa, Yves Bergeron, Dorra Gassara, Pierre Grondin. Potentiel de la tomographie acoustique pour la caractérisation non destructive de la proportion de la carie et son impact sur le module d’élasticité du bois de l’érable à sucres 23e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2021-12-07)
Pierre Grondin Partenaire du MFFP 23e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2021-12-07)
Pierre Grondin, Maxence Martin, Hubert Morin, Yan Boucher. La tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette : moteur de la dynamique des vieilles forêts boréales et source d’inspiration pour l’aménagement écosystémique? Les Rendez-vous de la connaissance en aménagement forestier durable MFFP - Les ravageurs forestiers (2021-05-18)
Julia Cigana, Guillaume de Lafontaine, Pierre Grondin, Yves Bergeron. Dynamique holocène et potentiel d’expansion de l’érablière à sucre la plus nordique en Abitibi-Témiscamingue 22e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, complètement virtuel (2020-12-02)
Raphaël Chavardes, Fabio Gennaretti, Xavier Cavard, Pierre Grondin, Lorena Balducci, Hubert Morin, Alain Leduc, Ari Kainelainen, Danielle Charron, T. Châtellier, Yves Bergeron. Le mélange des espèces dans le peuplement peut-il atténuer la vulnérabilité des forêts boréales aux changements climatiques et aux épidémies d’insectes ? 22e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, complètement virtuel (2020-12-02)
Evick Mestre, Yves Bergeron, Rock Ouimet, Pierre Grondin. Potentiel de migration des populations nordiques d’érable à sucre dans l’Ouest du Québec 21e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2019-11-30)
Pierre Grondin Hétérogénéité paysagère contemporaine d'une portion de la forêt boréale québécoise et implications pour l'aménagement écosystémique. Soutenance thèse (2014-12-09)
Pierre Grondin La classification écologique et l'aménagement écosystémique : des liens à développer. La classification écologique et l'aménagement écos (2005-12-06)
Pierre Grondin The landscapes of the boreal forest are controlled by one or by a combination of variables ? 5thNorth American Forest Ecology Workshop, Aylmer, Québec, Canada.
Pierre Grondin Survol de quelques enjeux de composition forestière de la forêt mélangée et de la forêt résineuse 74ième congrès annuel de l’ACFAS, Colloque C-643 Définition des enjeux régionaux dans la mise en place de l’aménagement écosystemique des forêts du Québec. Université McGill, Montréal, Québec, Canada.