Marianne Vogel, Sébastien Joannin, Mebarek Lamara, Hugo Asselin, Adam A. Ali, Sabrina Leclercq, Cécile Latapy, Frank Richard, Yves Bergeron. Multi-proxy analysis of early Holocene vegetation dynamics on the islands of proglacial Lake Ojibway (northeastern America) 2024. Journal of Quaternary Science Online first
ABSTRACT Following deglaciation, lowland sites in eastern Canada that were covered by proglacial Lake Ojibway recorded direct afforestation with boreal mixedwood taxa, without an initial tundra phase, contrary to sites that were never covered by this lake. Because former islands of proglacial Lake Ojibway were colonized by vegetation before lake drainage around 8200?cal a bp, we hypothesized that these paleo-islands went through a non-arboreal phase which eventually transitioned to boreal mixedwoods, hence providing a source of propagules for rapid and later colonization of the lowlands. We carried out a multi-proxy analysis combining pollen, macro-remains, sedimentary ancient DNA and charcoal to document vegetation composition and dynamics on two paleo-islands. Both study sites recorded progressive vegetation establishment starting with a tundra-like phase with only herbs and shrubs, followed by open forests dominated by either larch or pine, culminating with the establishment of the boreal mixedwoods about 300 years before the final drainage of proglacial Lake Ojibway. Fire regimes seem to have partially driven vegetation dynamics and diversity on the paleo-islands. Paleo-islands were sources of propagules, which helps explain how the former Lake Ojibway lowlands were directly colonized by boreal mixedwoods, without an initial tundra phase.
Benjamin Marquis, Mebarek Lamara, Alexandre Roy, Sergio Rossi, Yves Bergeron, Julie Godbout, Isabelle Aubin, Martin Perron. Spatio-temporal trends in the frost regime reveal late frost exposure to white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) persists in northeastern America 2024. Environ. Res.: Climate 045020
DOI : 10.1088/2752-5295/ad8d00
The characteristics of the frost regime (intensity, frequency, and timing) contribute to shaping tree species adaptations and distribution as well as ecosystem productivity and functions. However, climate change increases the variability in extreme events; therefore, the different characteristics of the frost regime may diverge under climate change. Using the BioSim 11 software, we simulated daily air temperature at 512 locations over northeastern North America between 1901–2021 to determine how the spatio-temporal trends in the frost regime varied over this complex landscape and if spatio-temporal trends in extreme climatic events such as frosts are stronger compared to changes in aggregated climate variables such as mean annual air temperature and growing degree-days. We also used an eco-physiological model to conduct a case study focussing on white spruce to determine if trees are currently more exposed to growing season frosts than they were in the past by modelling the timings of budburst using the thermal time model. Our results showed that, at 67% of locations (343 locations), the day of the year of the last frost in spring (minimum daily air temperature<0 °C) occurred, on average, earlier by seven days during 2001–2021 compared to 1901–1920, whereas it occurred, on average, later by four days at 33% of locations (169 locations). The average temporal trends in frost occurrence were similar in magnitude to the average trends in aggregated climate variables; however, their variances were larger compared to the aggregated climate metrics, showing that the frost regime does not change uniformly throughout our study area. Our case study also revealed that white spruce remains exposed to late frosts of low and intermediate intensities (minimum daily air temperature <0; <−2 °C) compared to the past but exposure to high-intensity frosts (minimum daily air temperature <−4 °C) is rare. Since extreme events such as late frosts diverge in their response to climate change compared to aggregated climate variables, the mean annual temperature is not sufficient to predict how climate change will impact ecosystems through frost regimes.
Maxime Thomas, Yan Boulanger, Hugo Asselin, Mebarek Lamara, Nicole J. Fenton. How will climate change and forest harvesting influence the habitat quality of 2024. Science of the Total Environment 172148
DOI : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172148
Boreal landscapes face increasing disturbances which can affect cultural keystone species, i.e. culturally salient species that shape in a major way the cultural identity of a people. Given their importance, the fate of such species should be assessed to be able to act to ensure their perennity. We assessed how climate change and forest harvesting will affect the habitat quality of Rhododendron groenlandicum and Vaccinium angustifolium, two cultural keystone species for many Indigenous peoples in eastern Canada. We used the forest landscape model LANDIS-II in combination with species distribution models to simulate the habitat quality of these two species on the territories of three Indigenous communities according to different climate change and forest harvesting scenarios. Climate-sensitive parameters included wildfire regimes as well as tree growth. Moderate climate change scenarios were associated with an increased proportion of R. groenlandicum and V. angustifolium in the landscape, the latter species also responding positively to severe climate change scenarios. Harvesting had a minimal effect, but slightly decreased the probability of presence of both species where it occurred. According to the modeling results, neither species is at risk under moderate climate change scenarios. However, under severe climate change, R. groenlandicum could decline as the proportion of deciduous trees would increase in the landscape. Climate change mitigation strategies, such as prescribed fires, may be necessary to limit this increase. This would prevent the decrease of R. groenlandicum, as well as contribute to preserve biodiversity and harvestable volumes.
Maxime Thomas, Mebarek Lamara, Hugo Asselin, Nicole J. Fenton. Effects of industrial disturbances on the flavonoid concentration of Rhododendron groenlandicum. 2023. Botany 343-356
DOI : 10.1139/cjb-2022-0136
The boreal forest is subject to various anthropogenic disturbances, including logging, mining, and hydroelectricity production and transport. These disturbances affect Indigenous communities and the culturally salient species they depend on for the practice of traditional and subsistence activities. Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd is one such species whose leaves are used to treat various ailments, due to their concentration in biologically active chemicals such as flavonoids. Our objective was to assess the effect of anthropogenic disturbances on the chemical properties of R. groenlandicum on the territories of three Indigenous communities. Leaf samples were collected near mines, under hydroelectric power lines, and in non-disturbed sites. Our results showed that variations in flavonoid concentration were mainly related to territory (R2 = 0.43, P = 0.0005), while disturbance type had a smaller effect (R2 = 0.18, P = 0.02). Samples from Nemaska, the northernmost territory with the most open forest stands, had higher concentrations of epicatechin (+23%, P = 0.03). Quercetin-3-glucoside concentrations were lower near mines (−19%, P = 0.01). The effects of disturbances on the chemical signature of R. groenlandicum are complex, and a complete assessment of the consequences of industrial activity on Indigenous landscape value must take into account other culturally salient species.
Lahcen Benomar, Jean Bousquet, Martin Perron, Jean Beaulieu, Mebarek Lamara. Tree Maladaptation Under Mid-Latitude Early Spring Warming and Late Cold Spell: Implications for Assisted Migration. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:920852
DOI : 10.3389/fpls.2022.920852
Global warming is predicted to extend the growing season of trees and plants, and advance spring phenology. However, intensification of extreme climate events in mid-latitude forests, from weakening of the jet stream and atmospheric blockings, may expose trees to increased risk associated with more frequent late-spring frosts. Still, little is known regarding the intraspecific variation in frost tolerance and how it may be shaped by local adaptation to the climate of seed origin. As part of an assisted migration trial located in different bioclimatic zones in the province of Quebec, Canada, and following an extensive late-spring frost that occurred at the end of May 2021, we evaluated the frost damages on various white spruce (Picea glauca) seed sources tested on three sites (south, central, and north). The severity of frost damages was assessed on 5,376 trees after the cold spell and an early spring warming which advanced bud flush by approximately 10 days on average. The frost damage rate was similar among sites and seed sources and averaged 99.8%. Frost damage severity was unrelated to the latitude of seed origin but was variable among sites. The proportion of severely damaged trees was higher in the northern site, followed by central and southern sites. The proportion of severely damaged trees was linearly and inversely related to tree height before the frost event. Apical growth cancelation was not significantly different among seed sources including local ones, and averaged 74, 46, and 22%, respectively, in central, northern, and southern plantation sites. This study provides recommendations to limit the loss of plantation productivity associated with such a succession of spring climate anomalies. Implications for seed transfer models in the context of climate change and productivity of spruce plantations are discussed in the light of lack of local adaptation to such pronounced climate instability and ensuing large-scale maladaptation.
Lahcen Benomar, Raëd Elferjani, Jill Hamilton, Greg A. O'Neill, Said Echchakoui, Yves Bergeron, Mebarek Lamara. Bibliometric Analysis of the Structure and Evolution of Research
on Assisted Migration 2022. Current Forestry Reports
DOI : 10.1007/s40725-022-00165-y
Assisted migration is increasingly proposed as a proactive management strategy to mitigate the consequences of maladaptation predicted under climate change. Exploring the social and academic structure of the field, its research gaps, and future research directions can help further the understanding and facilitate the implementation of assisted migration strategies. Here we used bibliometric analysis to examine the intellectual, social, and conceptual structures of assisted migration research to identify gaps and opportunities for future research. Bibliometric data based on publications on assisted migration were collected from Scopus and Web of Science databases using assisted migration and climate change or their synonyms as queries. Metadata were merged, processed and several networks were constructed.
Mebarek Lamara, Geneviève J. Parent, Isabelle Giguère, Jean Beaulieu, Jean Bousquet, John J. MacKay. Association genetics of acetophenone defence against spruce budworm in mature white spruce. 2021. BMC Plant Biology 18(231)
DOI : 10.1186/s12870-018-1434-y
Outbreaks of spruce budworm (SBW, Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) cause major recurrent damage in boreal conifers such as white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) and large losses of forest biomass in North America. Although defensive phenolic compounds have recently been linked to chemical resistance against SBW, their genetic basis remains poorly understood in forest trees, especially in conifers. Here, we used diverse association genetics approaches to discover genes and their variants that may control the accumulation of acetophenones, and dissect the genetic architecture of these defence compounds against SBW in white spruce mature trees.
Abdulsalam Dakouri, Mebarek Lamara, Masud Karim, Jinghe Wang, Qilin Chen, Bruce D. Gossen, Stephen E. Strelkov, Sheau-Fang Hwang, Garry Peng, Fengqun Yu. Identification of resistance loci against new pathotypes of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Brassica napus based on genome-wide association mapping 2021. Scientific Reports 11
Genetic resistance is a successful strategy for management of clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) of brassica crops, but resistance can break down quickly. Identification of novel sources of resistance is especially important when new pathotypes arise. In the current study, the reaction of 177 accessions of Brassica napus to four new, virulent pathotypes of P. brassicae was assessed. Each accession was genotyped using genotyping by sequencing to identify and map novel sources of clubroot resistance using mixed linear model (MLM) analysis. The majority of accessions were highly susceptible (70–100 DSI), but a few accessions exhibited strong resistance (0–20 DSI) to pathotypes 5X (21 accessions), 3A (8), 2B (7), and 3D (15), based on the Canadian Clubroot Differential system. In total, 301,753 SNPs were mapped to 19 chromosomes. Population structure analysis indicated that the 177 accessions belong to seven major populations. SNPs were associated with resistance to each pathotype using MLM. In total, 13 important SNP loci were identified, with 9 SNPs mapped to the A-genome and 4 to the C-genome. The SNPs were associated with resistance to pathotypes 5X (2 SNPs), 3A (4), 2B (5) and 3D (6). A Blast search of 1.6 Mb upstream and downstream from each SNP identified 13 disease-resistance genes or domains. The distance between a SNP locus and the nearest resistance gene ranged from 0.04 to 0.74 Mb. The resistant lines and SNP markers identified in this study can be used to breed for resistance to the most prevalent new pathotypes of P. brassicae in Canada.
Raëd Elferjani, Lahcen Benomar, Mina Momayyezi, Roberto Tognetti, Ülo Niinemets, Raju Y. Soolanayakanahally, Guillaume Théroux-Rancourt, Tiina Tosens, Francesco Ripullone, Simon Bilodeau-Gauthier, Mohammed S. Lamhamedi, Carlo Calfapietra, Mebarek Lamara. A meta-analysis of mesophyll conductance to CO2 in relation to major abiotic stresses in poplar species 2021. Journal of Experimental Botany erab127
DOI : 10.1093/jxb/erab127
Mesophyll conductance (gm) determines the diffusion of CO2 from the substomatal cavities to the site of carboxylation in the chloroplasts and represents a critical component of the diffusive limitation of photosynthesis. In this study, we evaluated the average effect sizes of different environmental constraints on gm in Populus spp., a forest tree model. We collected raw data of 815 A-Ci response curves from 26 datasets to estimate gm, using a single curve-fitting method to alleviate method-related bias. We performed a meta-analysis to assess the effects of different abiotic stresses on gm. We found a significant increase in gm from the bottom to the top of the canopy that was concomitant with the increase of maximum rate of carboxylation and light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax). gm was positively associated with increases in soil moisture and nutrient availability, but it was insensitive to increasing soil copper concentration, and it did not vary with atmospheric CO2 concentration. Our results showed that gm was strongly related to Amax and to a lesser extent to stomatal conductance (gs). Also, a negative exponential relationship was obtained between gm and specific leaf area, which may be used to scale-up gm within the canopy.
Mebarek Lamara. Architecture génétique des caractères reliés au bois, à la croissance et à la résistance contre la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette chez l'épinette blanche. 2017. Thèse de doctorat en sciences forestières, Université Laval
Les analyses d’association visent à mieux comprendre l’architecture génétique des caractères quantitatifs comme ceux reliés à l’adaptation, la croissance et la structure du bois, et mettre en évidence les gènes qui les contrôlent. Ces connaissances sont utiles pour notamment mieux appréhender le potentiel de résilience dans le contexte de changements climatiques, ainsi que pour la conservation et l’amélioration génétique des arbres forestiers. Cette thèse porte sur l’épinette blanche (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) avec deux objectifs principaux : 1) développer une compréhension plus intégrée des caractères quantitatifs, et ; 2) développer des stratégies permettant de mieux exploiter les analyses d’association face aux contraintes génétiques et statistiques liées à leur utilisation chez les arbres forestiers. La thèse s’appuie sur deux études d’association qui portent respectivement sur la croissance et les caractéristiques physiques du bois (chapitre 2), et la résistance contre la tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette (TBE, Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens) (chapitre 3). Nous avons d’abord analysé les caractéristiques du bois ainsi que la croissance en utilisant un seuil de significativité statistique permissif (P < 0,05; sans correction pour tests multiples) pour maximiser la découverte de gènes comportant des SNPs significatifs. Selon les caractères étudiés, entre 229 et 292 gènes ont été identifiés, qui ont ensuite été soumis à des analyses complémentaires portant sur leurs annotations fonctionnelles et leur expression tissulaire. Les gènes associés aux caractères du bois se sont montrés surreprésentés dans un groupe de co-expression préférentiel au xylème secondaire. Une analyse de réseau de ce groupe de gènes a permis d’identifier certains facteurs de transcription de type MYB et NAC ayant un niveau de connectivité élevé, dont notamment PgNAC-7 qui était le gène ‘hub’ le plus connecté, suggérant un rôle dans la régulation des caractères physiques du bois. L’étude des caractères de défense contre la TBE s’est appuyée sur trois méthodes d’analyse d’association considérant soit un locus à la fois, plusieurs loci, ou encore plusieurs caractères simultanément. Les analyses ont permis d’identifier 33 gènes ayant des fonctions métaboliques variées et expliquant une proportion élevée de la variation phénotypique observée. Des corrélations phénotypiques faiblement positives ont également été observées entre la croissance et les facteurs de résistance contre la TBE, indiquant l’absence d’un compromis métabolique entre ces caractères. Nos résultats indiquent que les stratégies proposées dans la présente thèse pourraient être appliquées à d’autres caractères quantitatifs et permettre de développer des connaissances utiles pour mieux comprendre l'architecture génétique des caractères complexes chez les arbres forestiers.
voir la liste complète
Nesrine Tlili, Steeve Pepin, Jean Bousquet, Mebarek Lamara. Variabilité génétique de différentes populations d’épinette blanche face au stress hydrique et thermique : Implications pour la migration assistée 26e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Hôtel Forestel, Val-d'Or, Québec. (2024-11-20)
Angana Kuri, Nicole J. Fenton, Mebarek Lamara, Xavier Cavard. Gradient-based assessment of ecosystem resilience: evaluating vegetation, soil microbiome diversity and carbon pools of outcrops in proximity to the Horne Smelter of Rouyn-Noranda 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-02)
Nesrine Tlili, Mebarek Lamara, Jean Bousquet. Plasticité morpho-physiologique de différentes sources génétiques de l'épinette blanche en réponse à un stress hydrique à différentes températures dans un contexte de migration assistée 17e colloque annuel du CEF, Université du Québec en Outaouais (2024-05-02)
Maxime Thomas, Yan Boulanger, Hugo Asselin, Mebarek Lamara, Nicole J. Fenton. Comment les changements climatiques et l'exploitation forestière influenceront-ils la présence de deux plantes d’importance culturelle ? 3e rencontre annuelle du Laboratoire International de Recherche sur les Forêts Froides. Station touristique Duchesnay, Québec. (2023-10-04)
Maxime Thomas, Yan Boulanger, Hugo Asselin, Mebarek Lamara, Nicole J. Fenton. Quel avenir pour les espèces culturelles clés sous l’effet du changement climatique et de la coupe? 16e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Montréal (2023-05-08)
Amal Saidani, Mebarek Lamara, Yves Bergeron. Analyse comparative des génomes chloroplastiques de six espèces des mélèzes 16e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Montréal (2023-05-08)
Nesrine Tlili, Steeve Pepin, Jean Bousquet, Mebarek Lamara. Contrôle de la capacité adaptative aux stress environnementaux de différentes sources génétiques de l'épinette blanche dans un contexte de migration assistée 16e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Montréal (2023-05-08)
Fatima Ezzahra Khouya, Mebarek Lamara, Annie DesRochers, Steeve Pepin. Acclimatation thermique de la photosynthèse et de la respiration de differentes sources génétiques de l’épinette blanche le long d’un gradient climatique 16e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Montréal (2023-05-08)
Chafik Analy, Mebarek Lamara, Yves Bergeron, Jean Bousquet. La croissance, la phénologie automnale, la tolérance au gel et la dynamique des sucres solubles de différentes sources génétiques de l’épinette blanche le long d’un gradient climatique au Québec : Implication pour la migration assistée 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)
Océane Fogliani, Yves Bergeron, Christine Martineau, Mebarek Lamara. Microbiomes associés aux peuplements multi-clonaux de peuplier faux-tremble 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)
Fatima Ezzahra Khouya, Mebarek Lamara, Steeve Pepin, Annie DesRochers. Acclimatation thermique de la photosynthèse et de la respiration de différentes sources génétiques de l’épinette blanche le long d’un gradient climatique 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)
Nesrine Tlili, Steeve Pepin, Jean Bousquet, Mebarek Lamara. Contrôle de la capacité adaptative aux stress environnementaux de différentes sources génétiques de l'épinette blanche dans un contexte de migration assistée 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)
Amal Saidani, Mebarek Lamara, Yves Bergeron. Analyse comparative des génomes chloroplastiques
de six espèces de mélèzes 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)
Clémence Boivin, Nicole J. Fenton, Xavier Cavard, Mebarek Lamara. Est-ce possible de favoriser à la fois la biodiversité et la séquestration du carbone ? 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)
Maxime Thomas, Hugo Asselin, Mebarek Lamara, Nicole J. Fenton. Effet des perturbations humaines sur les propriétés médicinales de R. groenlandicum 24e colloque de la Chaire AFD. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-11-22)
Clémence Boivin, Xavier Cavard, Nicole J. Fenton, Mebarek Lamara. Foresterie multifonctionnelle : est-il possible de favoriser à la fois la biodiversité et la séquestration du carbone ? 15e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec (2022-09-28)
Océane Fogliani, Yves Bergeron, Christine Martineau, Mebarek Lamara. Microbiomes associés aux peuplements multi-clonaux de peuplier faux-tremble 15e colloque annuel du CEF, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec (2022-09-28)
Maxime Thomas, Hugo Asselin, Mebarek Lamara, Nicole J. Fenton. Impact of industrial disturbances on the chemical properties of Rhododendron groenlandicum in three Indigenous communities of western Québec Conférence annuelle de l’Association Botanique Canadienne. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-06-08)
Océane Fogliani, Yves Bergeron, Christine Martineau, Mebarek Lamara. Microbiomes associés aux peuplements multi-clonaux de peuplier faux-tremble Conférence annuelle de l’Association Botanique Canadienne. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-06-06)
Clémence Boivin, Nicole J. Fenton, Xavier Cavard, Mebarek Lamara. Foresterie multifonctionnelle : est-il possible de favoriser à la fois la biodiversité et la séquestration du carbone ? Conférence annuelle de l’Association Botanique Canadienne. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. (2022-06-06)